Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the answers to the most common queries we receive. Contact us with any questions, or for further detail.

The RLC reports on retail market performance such as market share and category growths.

Members submit retail sales monthly and receive aggregated week-level market data by category and region.

Product categories: Clothing, Footwear, Accessories, Beauty and Homeware. Click here for the full list of product categories.
Regions: South African provinces (Eastern Cape, Free State, Gauteng, Kwazulu Natal, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Northern Cape, North West, Western Cape), BLNS (Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, Swaziland) and Rest of Africa.
Currently not reported: Sportswear, Stationery, Fine Jewellery and Digital (e.g. cellphones and TVs).

Measure your performance relative to the market, and identify market opportunities.
Track growths and market share right down to category, region and week (incl. Black Friday, Christmas).
Plan strategies and campaigns based on the market data / trends. Data is available as far back as January 2017!
Visibility of how customers are responding to your strategic and operational decisions vs your competitors.
Simple and low cost. No IT development required.

Contact us to enquire about membership.

Audit and Consulting firm, PwC South Africa.

With data confidentiality and accuracy being critical to the success of the RLC, we partnered with PwC as our trusted third party service provider, in the development and the ongoing running of the RLC services.

Yes! The solution was built with the principle of confidentiality not being compromised. We enlisted the services of PwC South Africa as our trusted third party service provider, in the development and running of the solution.

Solution, governance and security controls were developed to mitigate against all anticipated risks.
Members will only see their own data and total market data. No member will see any other members' sales.

Contact us to enquire about membership.

The RLC is open to growing its membership portfolio to any retailer with operations in South Africa.

Contact us to enquire about membership.

The membership fees are kept very low relative to the value of the data our retail members receive, and the value of the insights they draw from this data.

Contact us to enquire about membership and associated costs.

The RLC data is available for purchase by industry analysts and institutions, at various levels of aggregation.

Contact us to enquire about access to the RLC data.